Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wisteria in Full Bloom - Over the Back Fence.

I don't know how many of you were ever lucky enough to grow up around the magnificent dangling vines of  Wisteria, but some very fond child hood memories of mine are of what seemed to be giant big Willow trees with the most splendorous display of the deepest hues of purple Wisteria growing all through it in what appeared to be the most blissful harmony to me at the time. 

At the time I just loved to immerse myself in it all by lying under the big old tree's and letting the wind sway it all from side to side with those streaks of light just shining through to keep one reminded that the day was only young and there was plenty more to do!

Well today I chanced to see some Wisteria albeit not quite the same colour but equally as pretty on the back fence of an old homestead Nino and I have been restoring over the past 3 years during a photo shoot we were attempting before the next big project commences next week with the outside landscaping.

Needless to say I was distracted as I easily am with a camera and off I went to get some quick shots before I got busted - so I hope you like them and they may have some sweet memory for you too with Spring so deperately on it's way.

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1 comment:

Mel Connell said...

I love wisteria..... i have always wanted to grow some, one day hopefully.


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